exposed - do you ever live racism ?
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 Loaded and alone | Réserver

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Nathaniel K. Reisman
Nathaniel K. Reisman
septième année ▬ finalement

•• Postes : 269
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•• Crédit : CHERRYlips
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Loaded and alone | Réserver Vide
MessageSujet: Loaded and alone | Réserver   Loaded and alone | Réserver EmptyMer 30 Sep - 1:29

Loaded and alone | Réserver 1zvdi0g & Loaded and alone | Réserver 2hfj56o
© Chib & Misery angel
Just a kid, just a fool
Always trying to play it so cool
He`s got money, but he`s way off track
So lonely that it makes him think back
To his family and his friends and the
lady he left back home
He`s loaded and alone

    First day of school should be fun for anyone, mostly when you are usually someone who knows quite a few people like Nathaniel Reisman did. And yet he knew that is first day this year would SUCK! It was just a simple feeling you know when you have one of those that leave you icky inside? Well Nate had a feeling like that. Walking side by side with Alura he was holding to her hand has if his life depended on it. And maybe in a way it did. Why was it different this year then all the other? Well unconsciously he knew it was because is brother and so many other student had died at school last year. You know in Muggle School they sometimes have some random shooting that takes a few student life but he never had understood it so quite well how the survivor feels then he did this year. It wasn’t just a few that had died it was quite a lot. So many lived had changed last year he didn’t know if you could come back from it without being forever scar or scared. But it wasn’t fear he was feeling this year that made it so different no it was the fact that for once he would be alone without his forever first day sidekick Near. He had that feeling from the moment they had left the Silks house he, Alura and the rest of her family. And at the train station with their leaving dock changed his wrong feeling had been reinforced. So much that in the train Alura had to talk to him to calm him.

    “Nate tell me what is wrong”
    “I Don’t know I just don’t feel safe anymore!” He knew she had struggle in changing school or coming back to hogwart and he sort of did understand it. And yet she still managed to prove she was way more mature than him.
    “Nate I think no one does! With what happened last year we all wonder what will happen this one but if we don’t try it we will never know”
    “Why is it you always sound so much more MATURE then me?”
    “Because I am… Now calm down or maybe you… NEVERMIND!”
    “You little minx you were…”
    “No I was going to propose a massage and I knew you would think that way!”
    “PFFF you talk about me like I was obsessed.”

    That simple discussion had help the slytherin to calm down and he had been able to enjoy the ride and all the talking Alura and het girl friend could do. And it was a lot of chatting. Like non-stop chatting. But girls will be girls! It had made the train ride a little less long but they were at their stop, it wasn’t in to long that they would be eating the first feast at the slytherin table, Alura at the Gryffindor table and the new one would be sorted. The train had finally stopped and it was suddenly really silent, no one in their wagon or in any of them even talked. They all had loose someone in the attack last year, some they only had loose a friend or someone they knew but for other it was someone really close like a friend, a girlfriend or as boyfriend but the one that had loosed the most were the one who had loose member of their family just like Nate who had lost the last member of is family. Yeah the two Reisman boy had been orphan since nearly forever they were all that had been left, no grand-parent and they had to be taken by an uncle and a aunt but it wasn’t like they were their REAL parents. And last year Nate had lost the last little thing that had been left to him… NEAR is other half, the one that no mather how hard they fight they would always be brother. And now Near was no more. He was no more than a memory that Nate was holding on to.

    It wasn’t all that he had lost the last one of his family he had to learn that he had always lived not to the dream of his parents be the one of his uncle. Yeah he had found out this summer that his parent were really not what he had been raised to believe. They were not muggle hater, no when given the time they had fought with the Order of phoenix for whom they had been spies for decades! He thought that the order of phoenix had kill his parents so that they wouldn’t try to do something like voldemort had. But no it was deatheater that had killed his parents because they had betrayed them. Nathaniel was still in shock. I all that time Near was the one that had been right. But now he had to fight what had been drilled in his head to be able to live to his parents name that were more then just normal wizards. Or more then normal slytherin and way more then just deatheater. He had no idea what would happen next but he knew he had to change who he had been to who he really wanted to be.

    “Nate You okay?”
    “You seemed lost in you thought, I was asking if you were okey!”
    “Oh Yeah everything is fine!” He squeezed her hand so he could approve what he had told even though he didn’t really believe it.
    “You sure?”
    “Yeah don’t worry… let’s go” And he put on his brave face which he knew Alura could read through.

    And next thing he knew they were together in one of the carriage going to Hogwart.

(Alors se topic est un brin special vous l’aurez deviner, ça a commencer par la relecture de l’un de nos ancient topic sur un site français ou nous avions écrit en anglais et la nostalgie de se que se topic nous avait ammener… ouais on c’était marrer comme des enfants. et pas plus d’une minute plutard t’as chib qui m’envoit un mail me disant que je ne suis pas assez brave pour en commencer un sur Saper… Sa me sonne comme un défis, et pour ceux qui se doute le to va continuer en anglais pour celui-ci mais vous pouvez à tout moment nous envoyer un MP à Moi ou Alura si vous n’arriver pas à tout bien suivre ou bien que vous n’êtes pas certain de se qu’on raconte. Parce qu’on s’entend que la langue de Shakespear me vient plus facilement mais bon je vais continue de topiquer en français pour vous tout le temps… se to il est que pour s’amuser et bien se marrer sans trop se casser la tête sur une tel ou tel autre tournure de phrase qui sonne étrange.)
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Kahlan R.S. McTavish
Kahlan R.S. McTavish

•• Postes : 863
•• Crédit : Dodixe ET Misery Angel ET Anettbianka
•• Your Song : Three Whishes - The pierces

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Loaded and alone | Réserver Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Loaded and alone | Réserver   Loaded and alone | Réserver EmptyVen 16 Oct - 22:27

Loaded and alone | Réserver 1jtan5& Loaded and alone | Réserver 330wgvo
(C) Bluegin & Chib

Things had change and thing could and would never be the same. Everyone could see it just at the train station. We the students of hogwart were stressed, nervous, some never wanted to set foot back in this school after what had happen last year and yet we had too, we couldn’t not go back, because like they say once you fall from a horse you have to jump right back on it or you will develop some weird fear of falling again. The problem was that after last year no one was feeling safe, if we had learn who had claim the attack of last year maybe we would be a little less stress. But no we still had no Idea and I for a start had struggle a lot to come back here. I had taken a lot on me and still had a lot on my shoulder I wanted all of my friend to be better, it was crazy how much this had change me and how much I couldn’t be the same. My best friend had lost her first true love and was way too heartbroken over it. The problem was that I was always scared she would do something stupid she had already tried once to end her life. If ever she really succeeds it would destroy me. But it wasn’t all, The only one I love had lost the last of his family, I was all he had left and even though I loved the guy like crazy I couldn’t deny the fact that damn it put a lot of pressure on me. And last but not least my brother Dominic I wouldn’t be able to live if he had lost his live. And after all that I had lost my last safe place, hogwart, how could I feel safe there anymore? Maybe it wasn’t possible anymore.

I had that on my mind all the way back here, in the train I had talk to my friend lively and yet something in the back of my mind was yelling something was wrong. But I knew why, we where all nervous, our chatting was really nervous none of us could get really comfortable and that was really stressing us out. I feared that in the end we would all freak out, we needed something to calm us down real bad. But nothing would work right now. It felt like it was just too soon and maybe in a way it really was too soon. But life had to go on normally, we had to honor the fallen, honor those who had die to save many of us. And doing that was probably by going back there, continuing our live but never forget them. Never to forget those you lost that was what she had to live for, live for those who couldn’t anymore. But once the train had stop an angel passed by nobody talked, it was a silent. We all remember, we couldn’t forget, we never would be able too. We were all lost and scared and one look to Nathaniel and I knew he was really stressed out. I took is hand in mine as a reflex that I had to reassure him and that seemed to work. I knew I much he needed this. He put on a brave face but I knew better than to believe him, but I also knew better than to push him further, he would sooner or later come back to me.

So we took a carriage in the middle of the live and I found myself stroking my wand like if I was ready to go at war. That was the feeling I had and I wasn’t the only one, we were only four in our carriage and everyone of us were clutching it. I look at Nathaniel and smile trying to make him react but he just wouldn’t so I simply put my head on his shoulder trying to calm myself and that seem to wake him a little and he lowed his head down to talk to me.

“Nate do you thing, that it will aver be normal?”
“Maybe but we have to jump right back on the saddle right?”

We were both trying to reassure each other and it was harder than it seemed. Even in our little bubble we had a harder time then we thought. Wonder how the other were. I let my mind wonder a bit about my friends.
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Nathaniel K. Reisman
Nathaniel K. Reisman
septième année ▬ finalement

•• Postes : 269
•• Multinicks : nan
•• Crédit : CHERRYlips
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Loaded and alone | Réserver Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Loaded and alone | Réserver   Loaded and alone | Réserver EmptyMar 3 Nov - 4:28

    Thing had change and he would never deny it and poeple around them felt it too! Thing couldn’t just go to normal but maybe it was time to change their perspective. The ride in train had probably been the longest in their live their was no way that they had to let their year be that way he had been thinking about it all their train ride since he had been so silent and he was still ruminating it while they were on their way to the castle and the more he thought about it the more he became confident about is plan. Yeah definitely this year would be different, he had always talked about changing who he was and all but had never made a move about it. This year was the fresh start; he could make it different, for him, for his lost one but most of all for is family, make his own parent and brother proud of him from where they were, because yes he believed in an after life. If ever there was a good time to decide to change it was right now, and is mind had already been on the subject all summer. He was a lot silent today but the ride in the carriage had been the worst, it was like it had hit everyone when they had gotten out of the train and they were all silent. Nate was really out of it and it seem to really make Alura feel uncomfortable more then ever but when she talked he finally understood that he wasn’t the only one apprehending what would happen.

    The other in the carriage look as much uncomfortable as the two of them were but it was only now that he figured out why… they were some of those whom he had terrorise for years and suddenly he felt like banging his head on a wall. How stupid could he have been, of course that was doom to happen, and what could he do? Hum or say? Let just say the situation was so funny that he burst out in a loud laugh so much that he surprise even little Alura that looked at him with huge eyes. And she wasn’t the only one trust it… they were all surprise at once. And he couldn’t stop laughing long enough to explain to anyone but soon enough the entire carriage was laughing without knowing why, he had a catchy laugh and he knew it… or they laughed of his laugh which was also weird. Finally he caught his breath and whispered in Alura ear : “ I was thinking at how ironic that I was thinking of all those I terrorise in the past and that they are few of them right now with us…” He didn’t know really how she would react but either she would chuckle or she would just say how Karma is a bitch! But he didn’t thought it was really a bitch! It was time to grow up I guess.

    The rest of the trip was quite silent with little chatting here and there but to be honest he didn’t really know what to say and that must be showing.

(Sorry c'est court je sais mais bon j'ai l'inspi dans les chaussette)
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